Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dreams = Water

It's almost time for the selected women of Easthampton to return their recorded dreams to me to start working with on the water project (February 1st!). I am excited what their results may bring.

Insofar all have admitted hesitancy in sharing dreams once they started putting pen to paper.
It's amazing what our heads can conjure up from piecing together our daily activities and fleeting thoughts in the most mismatched ways. Luckily I am not a strong believer in Freud's thoughts on relationships with dreams and our subconscious & unconscious (a theory he even later debunked).

I was reading an article in the New Yorker about nightmares that spoke of the universal transformations in dreams due to social changes. Such as when TV was black and white, more dreamed without color. Now dreams are becoming even more disjointed due to influences by YouTube and the Internet.

I can't help but to fascinated with the random narrative our brains create.